
Working together we can create a portrait that has all of the elements and style that you would like.  It will become a lasting memory for you and your family.  After the initial portrait consultation, a price will be given based on the selected elements of the Portrait.  

  Pastel     Pencil  
 Head and Shoulders   $700 $75
Half Length $1,200 $175
Three-Quarter $1,700 $200
Full-Length $2,200 $275
Pets (Head Only) $400 $75
Pets (Full Body) $500 $175

Prices reflect one subject and vary depending on added props, pets or multiples.  Each additional subject is an additional 50% off the first subject price.  Prices for groups, complex settings and restorations available on request.

Prices do not include framing, shipping, tax or travel time.       

Patricia King
Aledo, Texas
PHONE:  (918) 409-2424